Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

My First Experience of English Learning

     Well, I have to flashbacks  13 years ago, when I got English lessons first.  It was beginning when I know and  understand about this lesson. My school  was in SD Sambirejo 3. It is belong  the village school. But do not insult first ...!!! although my school is the once classified as rural schools, but almost  students  were clever (including myself ....... hihihi:p)

Hmmmm ... because it is including the village school to be included in English lessons in teaching and learning activities during class 4. A little disappointing. As there are educational gaps between rural schools and urban schools. So the students who attend school in the village far behind with a student city. But I remain optimistic and never pessimistic, because schools in the village or town is same, there is different anymore. 
The most important is the intention and our determination to study to become a smart and useful to the country and nation. Wooowww ... I can speak too high…. Ahihihihi; D
Back to the point above.  I tried to be seriously. Hehehe .....:*
when I was  4th grade. I was surprised that there are new subjects namely English. In my mind, it seems difficult to exceed than  math and certainly boring too. It is a disaster for me ... Hoho
But over time this lesson was fun too. Although sometimes difficult also because it differs significantly with the Indonesian and Javanese language. Both in terms of words, punctuation, and meaning. Make me more dizzy.  Hihihihihi…………………….. :p
But whatever there is  difficulty that i found,  I still try to know more with this lesson. I learned more and more. I bought a pictorial dictionary so I can easily grasp and remember it word to word. and then i will pratice it in my daily.
I think the difficulties and differences become a challenge for me to be able to fight it and overcome it. Nothing that can not be if we have a strong determination and intention. Impossible is nothing. The key success of just one, it is hard work as can as that we do.
This  my short story about my first experience of studying English. Full crying because studying hard and full of joy because the rewards are amazing. Before the end of this story I would like to thank once to my teacher elementary school. She  is Mrs Sri. She had been patiently teach their students in the English language till our understand about it. Thank’s  mom ................ ^ ^
The last words from me…………………….. :*
I’m so sorry if I was naughty in the past and always cheating when exam begin................ hihihihi:p:D
However about all of my mistakes. I think It is my amazing and wonderful moment ever.
Love it……………..

Kinds of Learning Methods

The method is a means used by teachers in implementing classroom teaching and learning activities in an effort to achieve the learning objectives have been set.
Lecture method.
In the lecture method of teaching-learning process carried out by teachers are generally dominated by lecture.
In Learning Elementary Education Technology . There are some motode commonly used :
a. Method FAQ
Question and answer method is a way to manage learning by aimlessly questions that lead students to understand the material. FAQs method will become effective when the material becomes topic interesting, challenging and has a high application value. Posed the question to vary, including closed questions (questions that the answer is only one possibility) and open-ended questions (questions with many possible answers), and presented in interesting ways.
b. Discussion Method
Discussion method is a way to manage learning by presenting material through problem solving, or systems analysis technology products that solve very open. A discussion is considered to support the activity of students when the discussion involves all members of the discussions and produce a solution to the problem.
If this method is managed well, the enthusiasm of students to engage in this forum is very high. The way is as follows: there must be a discussion leader, a topic that the subject should be clear and interesting discussion, participants can receive and give, and the atmosphere of discussion without pressure.
c. Giving Methods Task
The method of assignment is a way of teaching or presenting the material through the assignment of students to do a job. Giving the task to an individual or group. Giving the task for each student or group can be the same and may also differ.
For administration duties to support the success of the learning process, then: 1) the task must be done by students or groups of students, 2) the outcome of this activity can be followed up with presentations by students from one group and responded to by students from other groups or by teachers who concerned, and 3) at the end of any conclusions.
d. Experimental Method
Experimental method is a way of managing learning in which students conduct experiments with the activity experience and prove himself a learned. In this method, students are given the opportunity to experience their own or do it yourself by following a process, observing an object, analyze, prove, and draw your own conclusions about the object to be studied. In the Elementary Education Technology , many experiments done on learning approach to product systems analysis techniques or materials.
Experiments can be done through individual or group activities. This depends on the purpose and meaning of the experiment or the number of tools available. This experiment can be done with the demonstration, when the tool is available only one or two devices only.
e. Demonstration Method
Demonstration method is learning by demonstrating how the management or demonstrate to the students of a process, situation, object, or the workings of a product technology that is being studied. Demonstrations can be done by showing both the actual objects, models, as well as replica and is accompanied by oral explanation.
Demonstrations will become active if done well by teachers and subsequently performed by students. This method can be limited to activities that tool but will be constantly and repeatedly by the students.
f. Method Tutorial / Guide
Tutorial method is a process of managing learning through the process of guidance provided / performed by teachers to students either as individuals or small groups of students. Besides other methods, in learning Technology Education Association, this method is widely used, especially when students are already involved in group work.
The role of teacher as a facilitator, moderator, motivator and mentor is needed by students to accompany them to discuss and complete tasks
Implementation of the tutorial method can be performed as the following example:
- Consider a class in teaching materials workmanship Wood 2, at the first lesson is used in a classical form of activity to explain in general about the theory and principles.
- Then the students divided into four groups to discuss different subjects, then performed the rotation between groups.
- While the students learn and do the tasks, teachers around among the students, hearing, explained the theory, and guide them to solve his problem.
- With the help of teachers, students acquire the habit of how to find information you need, taught himself and his own thinking.
Attention may be given more intensive teacher to students who are operating equipment that has not been commonly used.