Selasa, 19 April 2011

Bilingual Teaching: Quality Improvement Strategy

In general, the bilingual education in Indonesia with a teacher that uses two languages at the same time. There are only a few classes that are managed by two teachers, as well as in America, where a teacher of English-speaking and other masters the use of the mother tongue.

The composition model is very popular in the bilingual classroom management is a 90/10 composition in the early stages with a ratio of 90% and 10% berhasa Indonesia English. Then gradually 50/50 model in which students receive instruction in two languages ​​from time to time. In addition, this composition increased to 25/75 ie 25% in Indonesian and English 75%. Composition of the popular models can be set varies because it depends on the potential resources of each school. The percentage that can be calculated from the amount of material presented in both languages.

Although the subject matter of the dispute and many of the opposes, but studies have shown that bilingual education model had a positive impact on increasing mastery of science and language abilities of students. It's just that the results of the study, argues that the success of some variables influence support, as stated by Rennie, Joan (1994) which demographic factors, the nature of students, and educational resources that support various components below.

·  Supportive whole-school contexts (Lucas, Henz, & Donato, 1990; Tikunoff et al., 1991).
·  High expectations for language minority students, as evidenced by active learning environments that are academically challenging (Collier, 1992; Lucas, Henze, & Donato, 1990; Pease-Alvarez, Garcia, & Espinosa, 1991).
·  Intensive staff development programs designed to assist all teachers (not just ESL or bilingual education teachers) in providing effective instruction to language minority students (Lucas, Henze, & Donato, 1990; Tikunoff et al., 1991).
·  Expert instructional leaders and teachers (Lucas, Henze, and Donato, 1990; Pease-Alvarez, Garcia, & Espinosa, 1991; Tikunoff et al., 1991)
·  Emphasis on functional communication between teacher and students and among fellow students (Garcia, 1991).
·  Organization of the instruction of basic skills and academic content around thematic units (Garcia, 1991)
·  Frequent student interaction through the use of collaborative learning techniques (Garcia, 1991).
·  Teachers with a high commitment to the educational success of all their students (Garcia, 1991).
·  Principals supportive of their instructional staff and of teacher autonomy while maintaining an awareness of district policies on curriculum and academic accountability (Garcia, 1991).
·  Involvement of majority and minority parents in formal parent support activities (Garcia, 1991).

LM Read and HT Cervantes (1991) argues that in the implementation of bilingual teaching needs to consider the level of students' language skills. From a number of statements can be concluded that schools must meet certain characteristics of providers that includes bilingual teaching atmosphere, culture, competency development, learning consultants, teachers and students effective communication, organization of subject matter, frequency of interaction in two languages, teacher commitment, commitment to school principals in support teacher effectiveness and improve accountability in learning, and parent support

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